Tuesday, January 29, 2013

New Favorite Conditioner EVER

This is the best conditioner I have ever used. My hair has never been so consistently soft and frizz-free. The first time I used it was about a week ago. I was doing a massive hair treatment night- coconut oil, rinsed out with shampoo and my new conditioner, Moroccan oil used after my shower. Boy was that a mistake... I ended up going to class the next day with hair so greasy, it looked like I had just gotten out of the shower.

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My routine since them has been a basic coconut-scented Suave shampoo with Suave Professionals Moroccan Infusion Shine Conditioner. Even in the dry winter air, my hair is super shiny without being greasy or frizzy. My hair is so soft that all I want to do is play with it all day. I never buy the same conditioner twice because I have always seen room for improvement. I can honestly say that this conditioner does not leave any room for improvement. The cost for this conditioner is $2.88 at Walmart, and for me, that makes it a grand slam product.

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